"Much of the city of Tskhinvali was reportedly in flames on Friday. The regional parliament building has burned down, the university is on fire, and the town’s main hospital has been rendered inoperative by the bombardment."
Vesti(Russian) radio reported that Georgian forces burned down a church in Tanara in South Ossetia where people were hiding, to the ground, with all the people inside. The Deputy Director of an information agency as an eye witness reported that fragments of cluster bombs of were found in Tskhinvali. There have also been reports by a South Ossetian reservist that civilians who were hiding in basements were shot dead by Georgian soldiers.
Wikipedia reported that, "Russian soldiers captured group of American mercenaries on territory of South Ossetia. The group was captured near of Zare village."
An estimated 1,500 people have died in the onslaught and up to 30,000 more fled across the Russian border into North Ossetia. Large swaths of the city have been reduced to rubble including the one hospital that was pounded by Georgian bombers. Georgia has cut off the water supply to the city.The Red Cross now anticipates a "humanitarian catastrophe" as a result of the fighting.
“I saw bodies lying on the streets, around ruined buildings, in cars,” Lyudmila Ostayeva, 50, told the Associated Press after fleeing the city with her family to a village near the Russian border. “It’s impossible to count them now. There is hardly a single building left undamaged.”
At least 15 Russia peacekeepers were killed in the initial fighting and 70 more were sent to hospital. Georgia's army stormed the South Ossetia capital, Tskhinvali, killing more than 1,000 fleeing civilians. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin told news agencies in an interview how the hostilities began: “Russian peacekeepers were killed by their own [Georgian] partners in the peacekeeping forces. There is a Russian battalion, an Ossetian battalion, and a Georgian battalion... and all of a sudden the Georgians, Georgian peacekeepers, begin shooting their Russian colleagues. This is of course a war crime. I do not rule out that the Hague and Strasbourg courts and institutions in other cities will be involved in investigating these crimes, and this inhuman drama that has been played out."
According to South Ossetia's president, Eduard Kokoyti, Georgian troops had been taking part in NATO exercises in the region since the beginning of August. Kokoyti stated that there was a connection between the NATO activities and the current violence.
Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, said on last Sunday:
"The actions of Georgia have led to deaths - among them are Russian peacekeepers. The situation reached the point that Georgian peacekeepers have been shooting at Russian peacekeepers. Now women, children and old people are dying in South Ossetia - most of them are citizens of the Russian Federation. As the President of the Russian Federation, I am obligated to protect lives and the dignity of Russian citizens wherever they are. Those responsible for the deaths of our citizens will be punished."
A selection of the reports from the conflict zone in South Ossetia since last Thursday’s sneak midnight attack by American trained Georgian army units on the peaceful city of Tskhinvali.
Washington's bloody fingerprints are all over the invasion of South Ossetia. Georgian puppet President Mikhail Saakashvili would never dream of launching such a massive military attack unless he got explicit orders from his backers in Washington. Shitfacevili owes his entire political career to American power-brokers and US intelligence agencies. If he disobeyed them, he would have been ousted in a week. An operation like this takes months of planning and logistical support; especially if it's perfectly timed to coincide with the beginning of the 29th Olympic games in Beijing (another snide neocon contempt for efforts at peaceful international endeavours). That means Pentagon planners must have been working hand in hand with Georgian generals for months in advance. Shitfacevili has been working closely with the Buckfush regime ever since he replaced Eduard Shevardnadze (former Soviet foreign minister in the disgraced Gorbachov regime of the 1980’s) as president in 2003. That's when US-backed NGOs and western intelligence agencies organized the overthrow of the Shevardnadze regime in the so-called "Rose Revolution" in Tbilisi that year.
Since then, Shitfacevili has done everything according to instructions from Washington; he built up the military and internal security apparatus, he allowed US advisers to train and arm Georgian troops, he applied for membership in NATO, and he has constantly provoked conflict with Russia. In 2005, Buckfush was féted on a showcase visit to Tbilisi where he pronounced to a crowd of nearly a million Georgians “The American people will stand with you”. He meant, of course, his neocon inspired government and its misuse of the American people’s tax dollars for waging bloody war and destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf and the world-wide so-called “War on Terror”. Last week, Shitfacevili opened a new area of conflict when he sent his US trained army into battle on Washington's orders.
Vladimir Vasilyev, the Chairman of Russia's State Duma Security Committee, in a press interview last week underlined the Russian view of these developments: "The further the situation unfolds, the more the world will understand that Georgia would never be able to do all this without America. In essence, the Americans have prepared the force, which destroys everything in South Ossetia, attacks civilians and hospitals."
It is notable that neither Buckfush nor any NATO/EU officials condemned the initial Georgian attack and tried to divert world attention to their spurious claims that Russia had invaded Georgia solely in pursuit of its own interests.

Shitfacevili is an American educated lawyer and a muppet of the neocons, the ideologues of the despicable Buckfush regime and its plans for world domination. He came to power on a platform of “anti-corruption” and economic “reform” which emphasized free market solutions and privatisation. Instead of raising the standard of living for the Georgian people, Shitfacevili has been running up massive deficits to expand the over-bloated military forces. His government has made huge purchases of Israeli and US-made offensive weapon systems and has devoted more than 4.2% of GDP (more than a quarter of all Georgian public income) to military hardware.
According to a Russian Defence Ministry statement:
"Georgia has received 206 tanks, of which 175 units were supplied by NATO states, 186 armored vehicles (126 - from NATO) , 79 guns (67 - from NATO) , 25 helicopters (12 - from NATO) , 70 mortars, ten surface-to-air missile systems, eight Israeli-made unmanned aircraft, and other weapons. In addition, NATO countries have supplied four combat aircraft to Georgia. The Russian Defence Ministry said there were plans to deliver to Georgia 145 armored vehicles, 262 guns and mortars, 14 combat aircraft including four Mirazh-2000 destroyers, 25 combat helicopters, 15 American Black Hawk aircraft, six surface-to-air missile systems and other arms." (Interfax News Agency, Moscow, in Russian, Aug 7, 2008)
The Chairman of Russia's State Duma Security Committee, Vladimir Vasiliyev, summed it up like this: "Georgia could have used the years of Saakashvili's presidency in different ways - to build up the economy, to develop the infrastructure, to solve social issues both in South Ossetia, Abkhazia and the whole state. Instead, the Georgian leadership with President Saakashvili undertook consistent steps to increase its military budget”
Israeli arms manufacturers have also been supplying Shitfacevili with state-of-the-art weaponry. According to Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, earlier this year: "In addition to the spy drones, Israel has also been supplying Georgia with infantry weapons and electronics for artillery systems, and has helped upgrade Soviet-designed Su-25 ground attack jets assembled in Georgia, according to Koba Liklikadze, an independent military expert in Tbilisi. Former Israeli generals also serve as advisers to the Georgian military."
The Israeli website, Debka.com, has revealed further details on the geopolitical implications of Israeli involvement in Georgian and Caucasus politics:
"The conflict has been sparked by the race for control over the pipelines carrying oil and gas out of the Caspian region....The Russians may just bear with the pro-US/NATO Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili’s ambition to bring his country into NATO. But they draw a heavy line against his plans and those of Western oil companies, including Israeli firms, to re-route the oil routes from Azerbaijan and the gas lines from Turkmenistan, which transit Georgia, through Turkey instead of hooking them up to Russian pipelines”.
Debka also revealed that Shitfacevili had signed a contract last year with Tel-Aviv for supply of 1,000 Israeli advisors to train the Georgian army. Some of these advisors were helping Georgia to build reproduction and updated versions of Soviet Su 25 aircraft at a factory next to the International Airport at Tbilisi, which is why this location was bombed by the Russian Air Force. some of these aircraft were used to bomb Tskhinvali in the initial attack by Georgian forces on last Thursday, 7-8-2008.
Tel-Aviv also owns a significant interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines which attach to the Turkish terminal port of Ceyhan, rather than the Russian network. Intense negotiations have been going on between Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and thence to Israel’s oil terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat. From there, supertankers can carry the gas and oil to the Far East through the Indian Ocean. The objective of Israel is not only to acquire Caspian sea oil for its own consumption needs but also to play a key role in re-exporting Caspian sea oil back to the Asian markets through the Red Sea port of Eilat. The United States and Israel are both knee-deep in the ongoing war for vital petroleum and natural gas supplies in Central Asia and the Caspian Basin.
Russia and particularly, Vladimir Putin, when he was Russian President, now Prime Minister, was acutely aware of these schemes to bypass Russian oil and gas pipelines to Europe coupled with the security implications of the expansion of NATO right up to Russian borders and the proposed installation of missile launching systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, ostensibly to defend against Iranian missiles, and has publicly expressed its concerns in every forum over the past year or so. NATO/EU had clear warnings from Moscow that the policy of military encirclement and economic pressure would not be tolerated by Russia.
This week, again, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov underscored the destabilizing impacts of foreign military aid to Georgia: “It all confirms our numerous warnings addressed to the international community that it is necessary to pay attention to massive arms purchasing by Georgia during several years. Now we see how these arms and Georgian special troops who had been trained by foreign specialists are used,” he said. (Russia Today television, August 9, 2008) There is no doubt that Russia’s swift and powerful defensive actions have confounded the plans of the NATO/EU imperialists for using their Georgian puppet to create “facts on the ground” which is one of their favourite terms. It is now Russian tanks which are parked on the ground that the NATO/EU alliance hoped to seize as part of their long-term military plans for isolating Russia and dominating the oil resources of the Middle East and the Caspian Sea. The Warhawks of Washington and their despicable lackey, Shitfacevili, have received a bloody nose and humiliating defeat.
FearFeasa Mac Léinn
Áth Cliath/DUBLIN, 14 Lúnasa/August 2008.
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