The United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, last week, standing in the ruins of the UNWRA Building in Gaza, with the remains of Israeli phosphor shells still burning behind him, condemned Israeli attacks on Gaza civilians and expressed total shock at the extent of the damage caused to the people of Gaza, their homes and public facilities during the criminal onslaught of the Zionist forces invading the territory in the past two weeks.
The peremptory departure of the Israeli Army, following, apparently, a sharp-toned message from Washington that bombing of Gaza could not be tolerated while the new President of the USA, Barack Obama, was being installed on Tuesday, shows how cynical and murderous this whole episode has been with the Palestinian death toll now 1300+ and more than 5000 wounded, mostly women and children. The departure of Israeli ground forces has allowed the entry of international media to the devastated territory and if the world was shocked last week by the scenes of the bombing, it was nothing compared to the rising anger of millions of people worldwide when they were able to see the destruction wrought on a defenceless population by the criminal actions of the Zionist state; lawless, contemptuous of world opinion and the UN Security Council; ruthless in the pursuit of its political and military aims; risking wider conflict throughout the region and brutally disregarding of the human and civil rights of the population of Gaza.
The dreadful carnage unleashed by Israel will reinforce and consolidate worldwide opposition to their dirty deeds and give new urgency to the increasing calls for the total boycott of the Zionist state now being organised on all continents. The photos below show only a fraction of the evil-minded destruction perpetrated on the people of Gaza ; they do not show the pain of families who have lost their sons and daughters, wives and husbands, fathers and mothers and the suffering of the thousands of wounded, some still awaiting treatment in devasted hospitals and medical centres.

Total boycott of economic, political and cultural links!
Send Israeli ambassadors out of Europe !
No Israeli aircraft or ships allowed in Europe !
Withdraw all EU aid for Israel ; divert these funds to the
Reconstruction of Gaza!
FearFeasa Mac Léinn
Áth Cliath/DUBLIN, 25 Eanair/January 2008.
PS: FÁILTE – WELCOME to a new contributor; Francis P. Bowman.
FPB will write on political economy, international affairs; especially Latin America, and of course any other subject he wishes to inform us about.
FFML (Adminstrator).
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