The Irish Government’s gamble on Bostonomics has turned out to be the biggest loser this country has ever had since the 19th Century Famine. Along with Piss-pot Harney and Blank-Cheque Bertie, Biffo Cowen sold out this country to foreign capital, mostly from the
Níl fágtha ag Brianaigh na nDrochscéil ach caoineadh agus cuimilt láimhe faoi laethe an “Tíogair Cheiltigh”. Iadsan agus a dhlúthcháirde an lucht olagóin anois, seachas na daoine gur chaith Bertie-an-tSeic-Ghlan an masla sin leo timpeall’s bliain ó shoin. Iadsan a bhí ag géimnigh ó cheann ceann na tíre gurbh iad slánaitheoirí na heacnamaíochta agus gurbh iad Laochra an Ré Órga a bPáirtí fhéin, Fianna Fáil, agus siad ag iarraigh ar mhuintir na hÉireann glachadh le Chonradh damanta Liosbóin mí an Mheithimh imithe thart. Anois, donas an donais atá le tairiscint acu don phobail igcoitinne sa bhuiséad mí-ámharach seo cé gurbh iad fhéin udair na ghéarchéime atá buailte linn. – The Bad News Brians have nothing left but misery moans and hand-wringing over the days of the “Celtic Tiger”. They and their cronies are the whiners now, not those people who were insulted by Blank-Cheque Bertie only a year ago. They are the ones who were bellowing up and down the country, last June, that they were the saviours of the economy and that Fianna Fáil was the Party of the Golden Age, when they were trying to convince the people to accept the damnable Lisbon Treaty. Now they have only the worst to offer to the public in their miserable budget although it was they who brought us to the financial crisis we are now in.
The most pathetic sight of the past week was the Green Party TD’s, who also all cheered and applauded Brian Lenihan last Tuesday, desperately trying to backtrack from a decision which their two Ministers in cabinet voted for and are collectively responsible for under the terms of the constitution, Bunreacht na hÉireann. The Green Party sold its soul to the Fianna Fáil demon and now must pay the price. The political situation for the Government is now precarious. Biffo Cowen, his leadership severely dented with the defeat of the Lisbon Treaty last June on which he gambled his personal integrity, is now faced not only with an unprecedented revolt within his own party but with the disarray of his Coalition allies, the Greens and the so-called “independents” supporting his Government who know they are goners in the next elections if they continue to support his budget. His authority as Taoiseach is diminished and his chances of support in the Dáil reduced which means the survival of the Government is now in question. His political judgement must also be under question in that he and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan failed to realise what they were doing in making this attack on the oldest citizens of our Republic.
They now face another unprecedented event as a mass protest of senior citizens gathers outside Dáil Éireann on Wednesday, Deire Fomhair/October 22, 2008. Taxi drivers in
Áth Cliath/DUBLIN, 20 Deire Fomhair/October 2008.
Finian McGrath TD. Dublin North-Central
As this post was published it has been announced that Finian McGrath, TD for Dublin
This inevitably puts pressure on the other two government supporters, Michael Lowry (Tipperary North) and Jackie Healy-Rae (Kerry South) to follow suit. If they also defect from supporting the Coalition this leaves the Greens on an extremely sticky wicket as the only prop for the discredited Fianna Fáil budget. The question now is; have the Greens the nerve to defy public rage and continue to defend the Scrooge budget? Interesting times indeed!
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