The sham “democracy” of the EU so-called “Reform Treaty” was fully exposed on Wednesday, 12 Nollaig/December 2007, in the European Parliament, when a large group of MEP’s from across the political spectrum protested vociferously against the official signing of the Treaty. They were joined by independent Irish MEP, Kathy Sinnot, who pointed out the fact that 26 of the 27 members of the EU are denying their peoples the basic democratic right of a vote on whether they want this rotten Treaty or not. This shows the deep fear of the political elites and the Eurocrats in Brussels of the people’s free expression which is the essence of democracy and which this rotten Treaty attempts to circumscribe by unwarranted transfer of power to unelected bureaucratic cabals headed by the EU Commission.
There is rising anger all over the EU that the elites are trying to bulldoze through this Treaty which, is even admitted by several of its leading supporters to be the rejected EU Constitution by another name:
most are presentational changes that have no practical effect. They have
simply been designed to enable certain heads of government to sell to their people the idea of ratification by parliamentary action rather than by referendum".
Both Blank Cheque Bertie and his Minister for European Affairs, The CockRoche, have admitted in public that this document contains 90% of what was in the EU Constitution. The Treaty supporters apparently see no irony in claiming that this treaty “extends” democracy in the EU yet none of them want to give the people the right to vote on it for themselves.
In the Seanad/Senate yesterday, The CockRoche announced the government would be challenging Treaty opponents “to spell out why the balance of the Treaty was against Ireland’s interests”. He didn’t have to wait long for his challenge to be taken up as in an immediate riposte, Senator Pearse Doherty (Sinn Féin) said the Treaty was not in Ireland’s interests because “…it involves a massive transfer of power to the EU. It significantly increases the militarisation of the EU and it advances an economic agenda based on a race to the bottom for wages and workers rights”.
More Tribunal revelations this week showed further cash “dig-outs” for Blank Cheque Bertie amounted to an additional £IP16,500 following a whip-around in a Dublin pub. At the same time as he allegedly received this cash, Blank-Cheque had £IP70,000 in bank accounts at AIB and Irish Permanent. This and the other “dig-outs” were supposedly to help “Poor Bertie” who was going through a marital seperation and had no permanent residence to call his own. Awwwr…. Don’t ya feel sad at that. The Tribunal continues its inquiries.
Blank Cheque Bertie also did a u-turn this week on the totally unjustified pay increases for himself and his ministers which has caused widespread public outrage. The increases are to be deferred until 2009 and then only phased in after that. This brass-necked government has been calling for “wage restraint” in 2008.
If evidence were needed that one hand of this shambolic government doesn’t know what the other is doing it was clearly shown when schools in the public system received a flock of bills this week, from local and city councils, for water charges going back 3 years and more. These bills of thousands of Euro cannot be met without cuts in the schools budget for education since no-one in this outrageously incompetent government made any arrangements for the exclusion of schools from the implementation of the 1999 EU Water Directive which was designed to curb wastage of water by industrial complexes only.
Within hours of public statements in the Dáil both by Blank-Cheque Bertie and Grumpanella Hanafin, Minister for Education, saying nothing could be done, a senior Environment Commission spokesperson, Jorge Rodriguez Romero, said that governments could exempt schools from the Directive if they wished as there was an enabling clause in the Directive, Article 9(4) to provide for this.
This lazy Government couldn’t be bothered to properly look up their powers under this Directive and save everyone in the schools and county councils from going through the farce of sending out bills which need not be paid and, in a further example of gross incompetence, water meters are being installed in schools throughout the State which are unnecessary in the light of events and a scandalous waste of taxpayers money. The ludicrous Grumpanella was still defending her do-nothing stance and quoting the Directive on radio this morning having obviously not read the morning papers’ headlines contradicting her and Bertie’s previous statements to the Dáil. And these are the nincompoops who are proposing to give themselves substantial wage increases!
In a blatant attempt to intimidate delegates and disrupt the conference, Paula Dobriansky, head of the USA delegation demanded that the media briefing centre at the conference be cleared so that it could be “swept” by armed police and sniffer dogs in advance of her delegations arrival. Thus, the theatrics of Washington’s paranoia on “security” were needlessly imported into the conference which had already been heavily secured by Indonesian forces, one of the largest armies in the world. Ms Doberman refused point blank to agree to any specific targets on emissions reduction being part of any agreement.
Ms Doberman then tried to undermine the Bali Conference by trying to intimidate other delegations into following her line of no specific targets and suggesting all decisions be deferred to an alternative do-nothing conference being organised by Washington to take place in Hawaii next January. Canada, led by right-wing Buckfush lick-a$$, Stephen Harper, and Japan were willing stalking horses in this charade by the USA delegation. When these machinations were revealed to the public, Ms Doberman was forced to retreat and agree, grudgingly ,to a joint communique but, intransigent as ever, the Buckfush White House issued a venomous statement pulling the rug from under its own delegation and refuting any committments to effective action. The USA now stands opposed to the majority of the world’s nations in this vital effort on behalf of the whole of humanity to prevent the catastrophic results of unchecked climate change.
FearFeasa Mac Léinn Áth Cliath/Dublin,