Monday, April 14, 2014

Kiev Junta threatens War:

A protesters road-block on the outskirts of Sloviansk today.


The crisis in Ukraine reached a new level of seriousness this weekend as revolts against the illegal Junta regime spread to more cities and towns in the Eastern, mainly Russian-speaking areas of the country.

The Junta response has been threats of violence and war against the protesters holding Government buildings and police stations in several major towns.

Tensions are at their highest in Sloviansk, where armed men seized a police station and other government buildings on Saturday. A Ukrainian security officer was killed and several more injured on Sunday, reportedly in an armed confrontation just outside the town, on the road to nearby Artemivsk.

Russian media also reported the death of a pro-Russia activist in clashes somewhere in the city, and eyewitnesses also described a possibly fatal shooting, although it is not known if that is a separate incident. Despite Ukraine's interior minister declaring an "anti-terrorist operation" against the police station occupiers, there are reports security forces refused to retake the building without more significant military support.


Privately-owned Ukrainian news website Levyy Bereg reported that activists congregated at the Artemivsk police station on Saturday but dispersed, before some of them headed to the city council building, where they raised the flag of the recently proclaimed "Donetsk Republic" in front of and on top of the building, and read out its "declaration of independence".


The seizure of the Donetsk regional government building and subsequent declaration of independence from Kiev, earlier last week, was one of the first of the latest round of direct actions in the east. That occupation continues, with high barricades and large crowds of supporters still surrounding the building. A regional police station was also seized in Donetsk on Saturday.

People's Republic is proclaimed in Donetsk

On February 28, the deputy governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, Boris Filatov, posted an explanation on his Facebook page of how to "properly handle" members of the pro-Russian movement who are dissatisfied with the Junta in Kiev: “offer those dirtbags any promises, guarantees, or concessions they want. And… we’ll hang them all later.”

On March 5, Andrei Purgin, one of the leaders of the pro-Russian organization, the Donetsk Republic, was captured in Donetsk and taken to an unknown destination.  The kidnapped man’s friends claim that he had received a visit the previous day, during which he was warned, “if he stays home today, his wife won’t become a widow,” but because others were expecting him, he went on to the public square anyway.  Andrei’s fate is now unknown.


Today only in Kharkiv at least 70 activists have been arrested during the so-called “anti-terrorist operation”. According to the reports, foreign mercenaries most likely from the US Greystone Ltd private military contractor firm were participating in the operation along with the National Guard (mostlyly consisting of the ultranationalist Pravy (Right) Sector fighters) and some loyal Interior Ministry units.


A group of camouflaged men armed with automatic weapons stormed a police headquarters in the city late on Saturday. On Sunday they continued their occupation and built a barricade try prevent attempts to recapture the building. NATO sources, as usual, said the military appearance and organisation of the armed men indicated Russian military involvement.


Local website KID reported that the town council building in Makiyivka was also seized by pro-Russian activists, who raised a Russian flag above it and prepared to build barricades. It said more than a thousand people were rallying outside the building.


Armed pro-Russia activists continued their occupation of the regional security service headquarters in Luhansk, originally taken over on Tuesday along with other administrative buildings.


Pro-Russia activists seized a local administration building in Druzhkivka on Saturday evening, RBK-Ukraine reported, citing sources in nearby Sloviansk.

There were also reports of attacks on administrative buildings in Khartsyzsk and Ilovaysk, although a Donetsk regional official told the Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Sunday that the situation in those cities was now calm. Rallies and possible attempts to seize government buildings were also reported in Dobropillya, Kostiantynivka and Snizhne. But there were conflicting reports on whether an attempt to seize a police building Krasnyi Liman was successful or repelled.


Regional news website OstroV said armed men seized the prosecutor's office, city police department and the city council building in the city, although later left the prosecutors office. "The Russian flag and the flag of the Donetsk Republic are flying over the city council building," it said. However, it also reported that an expected assault in neighbouring Horlivka did not occur, when pro-Russian local residents were left without support from the armed men in military-style uniforms who had helped seizures in other cities.


Scuffles broke out between rival demonstrators in Zaporizhya. Local media reports said pro-Russia activists were booed by thousands of rival demonstrators, who chanted "shame," "glory to Ukraine" and "separatism will not pass" while pelting them with eggs, flour and milk during the tense stand off.

More and more police stations and government buildings have been falling to the protesters and unidentified militants.

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Kiev was "demonstrating its inability to take responsibility for the fate of the country" and warned that any use of force against Russian speakers "would undermine the potential for cooperation", including talks due to be held on Thursday between Russia, Ukraine, the United States and the European Union.

Meanwhile, exiled former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, overthrown by the Kiev Junta in February, warned Ukraine stood on the brink of "civil war."
Speaking at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don in southern Russia, Mr Yanukovych echoed statements from the Russian Foreign Ministry calling Kiev's threat use the army against armed separatists a "criminal order" and called on the security services to refuse such instructions.

"The United States have their share of responsibility for the outbreak of civil war in Ukraine," he said.

According to local media reports, Ukraine’s elite Alpha unit refused to obey an order to besiege protester-held buildings in Donetsk. A commander reportedly told officials that his men were a force intended for rescuing hostages and fighting terrorism and would act only in accordance with the law. Similarly, in Kharkiv, a local police chief quit, saying he had been deceived by the Kiev authorities into besieging a building held by protesters and arresting dozens of occupants on the pretext that it was held by dangerous armed bandits.

Despite this evidence of a groundswell of popular resistance, Washington has ratcheted up its drumbeat of threats against Russia, accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of stage-managing the protests and preparing to annex eastern Ukraine.

Claiming, without any substantiation, that there was “overwhelming evidence” of Moscow’s involvement, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told a congressional panel on Wednesday that the building seizures in eastern Ukraine were “very carefully orchestrated, well-planned, well-targeted” moves. She warned of consequences if the “aggressive actions” went unchecked. Nuland is remberered for her "Doughnut Dolly" appearances during the protests in Kiev handing out "cookies" to the protesters.

What US officials are accusing the Kremlin of doing—intervening to politically manipulate protests in Ukraine—is precisely what the Western powers boast of having done. European Union and American officials joined anti-Yanukovych demonstrators on Kiev’s Independence Square and met with leaders of the neo-fascist Svoboda party. The Obama administration and its European allies have, according to US Undersecretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, "Doughnut Dolly" Nuland, spent some $5 billion to promote pro-Western regime-change in Ukraine since the 1990s.

On Thursday, NATO’s supreme commander, General Philip Breedlove, published a set of commercial satellite photos purporting to show an estimated 40,000 Russian troops and long lines of tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery and aircraft massed along Russia’s border with Ukraine. On his Twitter feed he wrote: “Russian forces around Ukraine fully equipped/capable to invade. Public denial undermines progress. Images tell story.”

These images were later revealed by other sources as photos of Russian military exercises in August, 2013, not last week. 

While accusing Russia of mobilising its military, US-led NATO forces are continuing a buildup in the region. In the latest move, on Friday the USS Donald Cook, a destroyer equipped with Aegis missiles, entered the Black Sea, the home of a key Russian naval base. Within the next week, it will be joined by the French reconnaissance ship Dupuy de Lome and the destroyer Dupleix.

USS Donald Cook sails through the Bosporus, April 10, 2014.

Far from having “carefully orchestrated” the protests in eastern Ukraine, the Putin government has responded to the upsurge by urging the demonstrators to drop demands for secession and accept stronger regional authority. 

Samantha Power, Obama's paid liar at the UN, told American television that the "outrageous" attacks which the Kiev Junta has blamed on "provocative activities of Russian special services" were similar to those which took place in the Crimea earlier this year, leading to Russia's acceptance of the region's application to join the Russian Federation.

Asked about the latest events, she said: "It has all the tell-tale signs of what we saw in Crimea. It's professional, it's coordinated.

"There's nothing grass roots seeming about it. Forces are doing in each of the six or seven cities that they've been active in exactly the same thing, so certainly it bears the tell-tale signs of Moscow's involvement."

"I think the actions that he is undertaking certainly give credence to that idea," she said. "But I will say in the conversations that we have, of course, they keep insisting, no, that's not what we want, that's not what we want.

"But everything they're doing suggests the opposite."

Mrs Power said that US President Barack Obama would consider further sanctions against Russia if Moscow's aggression continued, including taking measures against the energy, banking and mining sectors.

This is the same one who told the world that she searched thousands of videos on the war in Syria but couldn't find any evidence of the Jihadi's using weapons capable of firing chemical weapons shells:

see here:

The Kiev Junta's reckless and hysterical calls for a bloody crackdown on pro-Russian forces in regions of Ukraine with large Russian populations threaten not only to tip Ukraine into civil war, but to lead to a direct clash between Ukraine and Russia. Last month, describing precisely a scenario of a crackdown in eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he reserved the right to intervene militarily to defend Russians in the region:

“If we see such uncontrolled crime spreading to the eastern regions of the country, and if the people ask us for help, while we already have the official request from the legitimate president [Yanukovych], we retain the right to use all available means to protect those people. We believe this would be absolutely legitimate,” he said.

Under these explosive conditions, the NATO powers backing the Kiev Junta and signaling their own military escalation, are directly posing the risk of war with Russia, a disaster for the people of Ukraine and the whole of Europe.

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