The results of the latest opinion poll published in to-morrow’s (Friday) Irish Times show a disastrous slump in support for Fianna Fáil as a party and unprecedented dissatisfaction with the Government.
Fianna Fáil has sunk to 27% support, the lowest ever rating for the party since regular polling began about thirty years ago. After less than a year in office, Taoiseach, Brian ‘Biffo’ Cowen has a personal rating of only 26% the worst ever showing of a Fianna Fáil leader in office. Satisfaction with his Government is also at a new low of 18%, worse even than the despicable Buckfush regime in the USA. 76% of the people polled expressed dissatisfaction with the Government with another 6% undecided.
Fine Gael has gained the most in this poll with 34%, giving them 7points lead over FF, Labour has 14%, losing 1, but , Labour leader, Eamonn Gilmore has the highest leader rating at 38%. The Greens have slumped to 4%
FearFeasa Mac Léinn
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