several days of negotiations at the summit of EU leaders in Brussels, a deal on
Cyprus was agreed by the Finance Ministers, including Ireland's Michael Noonan,
on Saturday last, which was nothing less than a blackmail ultimatum of the type
usually associated with the worst Mafioso Gangsters. The Cyprus government was
told to come up with €5.8bn funds by literally robbing the private bank
accounts of its citizens before getting a €10bn bailout loan from the EU and
IMF. Banks in Cyprus were closed and are still closed as the shock wave of this
monstrous imposition on the people of Cyprus spread across Europe.
blundering gobshites of the Brussels Dictatorship, Barosso, Draghi and Rumpoy,
had however miscalculated badly thinking they had intimidated a compliant
Cyprus Government desperate for a bailout and were unprepared for the outraged
reaction of the Cypriot people which forced the Cyprus Parliament to reject the
blackmailers of Brussels and demanded an alternative solution to the financial
crisis in Cyprus which is a direct result of the failure of the Brussels
Dictatorship to properly handle the Eurozone crisis especially in relation to
In a
historic event, for the first time in this prolonged crisis of the Euro currency
and world Capitalism, an entire people have risen up against the Dictatorship
of the thieving financial elite represented by the Three Stooges of Brussels
and said an emphatic NO!
Draghi, in two separate speeches Thursday last,
addressed the 27 leaders of the EU and the 17 members of the Eurozone on the
need to further drive down their labour costs and increase productivity. German
Chancellor, Angela Merkel, declared that Draghi’s “very interesting” reports made
clear that it was “productivity levels and wages in a number of countries that
were responsible for the high unemployment today.”
This brazen lie that "high" wages are the cause of unemployment is typical of the propaganda which accompanies the forced austerity agenda being imposed on Europe and elsewhere in trying to blame working people for the crisis of the financial system which has been authored by the Elite themselves with insatiable greed, corruption and fraudulent deals on fake credit which has been their regular practice since the banking deregulation of 1999 in the USA.
The delusion that productivity can be increased by lowering wages is again being peddled by the Elite and their Brussels Stooges. As if anyone would work harder for less money and longer hours!
Draghi, with brazen effrontery, has now given the Cyprus Government another ultimatum to comply with his extortion policies or be expelled from the Eurozone on Monday next. If the Cyprus people can hold their courage and continue to resist they can defeat this brutal dictatorship. Russia may yet step in and assist Cyprus to solve its financial problems. At a meeting in Moscow yesterday, attended by Barosso, Russian Premier, Dimitry Medvedev, delivered a scathing public rebuke to the Brussels Dictatorship calling their schemes absurd and unworkable. The spectre of increasing Russian influence in Cyprus may cause more sober reflection in Brussels over this weekend and force the Dictatorship to moderate its demands on the people of Cyprus to the benefit of us all.
This brazen lie that "high" wages are the cause of unemployment is typical of the propaganda which accompanies the forced austerity agenda being imposed on Europe and elsewhere in trying to blame working people for the crisis of the financial system which has been authored by the Elite themselves with insatiable greed, corruption and fraudulent deals on fake credit which has been their regular practice since the banking deregulation of 1999 in the USA.
The delusion that productivity can be increased by lowering wages is again being peddled by the Elite and their Brussels Stooges. As if anyone would work harder for less money and longer hours!
Draghi, with brazen effrontery, has now given the Cyprus Government another ultimatum to comply with his extortion policies or be expelled from the Eurozone on Monday next. If the Cyprus people can hold their courage and continue to resist they can defeat this brutal dictatorship. Russia may yet step in and assist Cyprus to solve its financial problems. At a meeting in Moscow yesterday, attended by Barosso, Russian Premier, Dimitry Medvedev, delivered a scathing public rebuke to the Brussels Dictatorship calling their schemes absurd and unworkable. The spectre of increasing Russian influence in Cyprus may cause more sober reflection in Brussels over this weekend and force the Dictatorship to moderate its demands on the people of Cyprus to the benefit of us all.
Barosso, Draghi and Rumpoy Must Go!
Down with Brussels Dictatorship!
Restore European Democracy and Social Progress!
No to Austerity and Neo-Liberal Thievery!
( Austerity is not inevitable: see here:
Áth Cliath/Dublin
Márta/March 22/ 2013