Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
“We had all gone to bed and there was this loud noise and smoke. I felt very scared and I was in much pain. I kept shouting for my mother. I did not know at the time what had happened to her” said young Ali later when he was able to speak of these appalling events.
A photograph taken in hospital in Baghdad shows that Ali was burned across his trunk and that his hands and forearms were incinerated. His head, neck, abdomen and legs were unblemished. Examination of this photograph shows this boy was subjected to the most intense radiated heat, not contact heat. It couldn’t have been a conventional explosive or the boy would not have lived. It seems parts of his body were shielded by whatever part of the house he was in and the rest exposed to the deadly weapon of mass destruction launched by Blair/Bush’s evil war machine against him and his innocent family. These images were suppressed by the British Media at the time.
Please note: this article contains graphic images which some may find upsetting.
Mr Blair can also be charged with a litany of war crimes that followed the invasion, one of which is the failure of the 'coalition of the willing' to halt the further deterioration in the quality and quantity of medical services in Iraq which had already worsened during the 12 years of sanctions. Another obligation of an occupier is to maintain security for the populace. The very opposite happened. Disbanding the Iraqi army and other government structures was central to the violent chaos which followed the invasion. Protecting the heritage of a country is another obligation of an occupier in international law. Mr Blair failed as leader to meet these and he can be so charged. The suppression of Iraq’s civil government and police and the abolition of its laws and constitution are also grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions.
The charges could also include collusion in a military and political coalition which has used banned weapons. The illegal use of white phosphorus at Fallujah by the US was admitted. Armour-penetrating tank and cannon shells, as well as "bunker busting" bombs and missiles, have used depleted uranium. Uranium U238 is dispersed widely as a very fine dust; it has been detected as far away as the Britain itself. Iraqi doctors claim that there have been dramatic rises in grotesque deformities in babies born prematurely, in leukaemia and in other malignancies.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The 2010 General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which opens in Vienna, Austria, this coming weekend, will discuss a report from the Director General on the implementation of a resolution passed at last year’s meeting urging the placement of all nuclear facilities in the Middle East region under the supervision of IAEA. The Resolution, proposed by the Arab States, was passed by 49 votes to 45,with 16 abstentions, much to the chagrin of the USA and its EU/NATO allies who tried to block its passing as they had done in previous years (click on map to enlarge) .
(b) Recalling also UN Security Council Resolution 487 (1981), which, inter alia, requestedIsrael to submit all its nuclear facilities to the Agency’s safeguards system,
The responses from Hilary Clinton, US Secretary of State, and Catherine Ashton, EU High representative on Foreign Affairs, are so similar they might have been written by the same spin-doctor!
Hilary Clinton:
Now, the fact is that all states in the region, except ONE, are members of the NPT and accept IAEA regulations and that ONE state is, of course, Zionist Israel. The staggering hypocrisy of these declarations is not lost on thinking people the world over who can see through this blustering attempt to provide cover for the Zionist regime’s continued defiance of International Law, UN Security Resolutions, the Geneva Conventions and Human Rights in respect of nuclear non-proliferation, of the illegal occupation of Palestine and the continued activity in murder and assassinations of its opponents whenever it feels like it.
This “restraint”, apparently, did not include helping Apartheid South Africa to create its own nuclear weapons in the 1970’s!
The diplomatic offensive of covering for Israel has already begun to roll. Despite criticism by Washington and Brussels of the Arab States for “using the IAEA for political purposes” the "Washington Post” this week reported that “U.S. and European officials said they plan on using the IAEA meetings to intensify pressure on Iran and Syria “.
The re-started “peace talks” in Washington between Netanyahu and P.A. President Abbas are being used as an excuse by US/EU diplomats for the IAEA not to pursue the current resolution for fear of “antagonising” Israel and threatening the 2012 conference on the Nuclear Weapons Free Zone for the Middle East. Since these talks have little chance of succeeding unless Netanyahu agrees to extend his moratorium on building settlements on Palestinian land, an unlikely event, all this amounts to is just one more delaying tactic by the US/EU/NATO in order to once again let Israel off the hook in regard to acknowledgement of its possession of nuclear weapons which are the main threat to peace in the region and the rest of the world.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Former British Premier, Tony Blair, has cancelled his book signing tour after vigorous protests in Dublin at the weekend against his visit received world-wide coverage. Police in the Irish Capital had sealed off the bookstore in Dublin’s main street, O’Connell, where hundreds of protesters from several organisations turned up to denounce his presence in Ireland and remind the public of the horrendous results of Blair’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003. Blair announced this himself on British TV this morning when he cancelled his next scheduled appearance in London on Wednesday going ahead because of promised mass protests there by Stop the War Coalition and British CND.
If the Blair publicity circus thought they were going to have a quiet weekend in Dublin, they were badly mistaken. Crowds gathered two hours before the start of the book signing and carried on a continuous loud chanting and speeches denouncing Blair as a war criminal and demanding his arrest. One protester, Kate O’Sullivan, from the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign, managed to evade the tight security cordon and confront Mr Blair inside the bookstore, but, as she declared the citizen’s arrest she was pounced on by armed guards and detained. Shortly afterwards, as Blair was about to leave the store through the front entrance, the crush of crowds against the police barriers broke through into the cordoned area and Blair had to run a gauntlet of thrown eggs, plastic bottles and shoes from the angry crowd before getting to his car.. A melee ensued with police who drew batons and several protesters were arrested. They were later released after being charged with offences.
Once again. Irish people have taken the lead in confronting the warmongers and death-dealers of Imperialism and small victory as it may be, it was done in the name of the million dead of Iraq and the daily suffering of the people of Palestine and Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world. It is also a reminder to the murderers that they cannot live with impunity after their appalling crimes against humanity but, will be forever confronted and called to account until justice is done.
Blair’s book is a cynical attempt to whitewash the crimes committed in Iraq and contains blatant warmongering for a military assault on Iran and psychopathic Islamophobia to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and the continued suffering of the people there. The Irish protesters also called for Blair’s removal from his post as Middle-East envoy of the Quartet group where he has shown total bias towards Zionist Israel and their piratical acts.
Protests at Blair's first book launch from Paula Geraghty on Vimeo.